“Gratitude and blessings to you Nadine Ilsa O’Mara for your loving guidance and support during my pregnancy.
I am so blessed to have come across Nadine through my local yoga studio (Yoga & Health Collective Mona Vale). In that first class I had tears of joy rolling down my cheeks in awe and adoration of the language Nadine used to describe pregnancy and a type of calm, ecstatic birth that I yearned for, but in my experience, had not been spoken of. The words resonated within every cell in my body and the essence of my soul. I had found my teacher, my guru. Nadine spoke about pregnancy as an opportunity to prepare for labour and the birth experience as something to welcome and the result of such preparation. What, I actually had power and a say over the birth experience! I needed to know more and Nadine was the key to such knowledge.” Read more
Natalie O’Donnell
“We were lucky enough to have Nadine as our Doula (aka cheerleader) last year. Looking back it was the best decision we made for the birth of our little one, Fabi. I gave birth naturally in the hospital and was able to do so with so much love and support throughout my labour from those I knew. It was an incredibly powerful experience and one that my partner and I reflect on with great love and passion. Our baby boy stayed calm and settled the entire time and came into this world smiling. I put a lot of that down to Nadine’s ability to guide us through the unknown and help us stay focused on bringing our little one into the world rather than get caught up in all the hospital procedures. Our OBGYN only came in and out a few times to check heartbeats, dilation and perform a few medical procedures (and who in the end didn’t make it to the birth), but Nadine was there for us through our entire labour, as well as mentally and physically with techniques during our SheBirths(R) Training and my prenatal yoga. Like a guiding light, she was able to prepare us well before the day and to keep me and my husband strong and remind us of all the techniques we could use to move me through the many surges of labour. She brought thoughtful little things (like aromatherapy oils) that made the place feel like home. When I had doubts about myself, my support team was there to help me centre and connect with the strength that I needed. I could not more highly recommend Nadine to help bring a precious little life into this world and can’t wait for her to be present for any other babies we are blessed with in the future.”
Hey Nadine,
I just wanted to say how empowering I found birth education with you. It was so empowering to be given so much information about my choices. I felt so relaxed and excited in the lead up to child birth. The course helped remove the fear and negative connections so often associated with child birth. Furthermore connecting with you through pre natal yoga was such a joy! You have so much love for the amazing ness of the human body and each class you helped me to realise my inner strength and connect more deeply with baby Clifford. Each class was a reminder of things learnt in the birth education and it gave me the chance to repeat my mantra of I trust my body to birth this baby. You have an amazing job and I am truly blessed to have connected with you through my pregnancy journey.
For now I have to say that Scarlett is an unbelievably settled baby. She is beyond a dream. Dan and I are in such a beautiful love bubble and our family members and friends have showered her with love. It’s been beautiful . She has been feeding without issue and has a gentle cry that signals her need. I feel so in sync with her and I have such strong motherly instincts that lead me to knowing what she needs; a feed, burp, cuddles, kisses, a nap.
I am enjoying this 4th trimester and have found yoga to be a beautiful way to stretch my body and help it recover from the muscular fatigue I gained through my labour. I am eating well thanks to doula dan and I seem to have boundless energy. I am both amazed and surprised by the strength of my body and the way it has bounced back, my stomach almost gone already, my fundas moving..
I just wanted to say thank you and that I feel so connected to all the beautiful mummas out there now. I knew you’d appreciate the update and I so look forward to starting mums and bubs yoga. One class you asked us to visualise our baby at our feet while in cobblers pose and that was such a beautiful thought, now she is actually here!
Hi Nadine, I just wanted to let you know that our little girl Eliza Rose was born last Wednesday at 9.43am, weighing 3.5kg. It was a beautiful drug free birth taking just under 8 hours, labouring at home for the most part and at hospital for about two hours before she was born. It was perfect and an incredible experience. The breathing techniques got me through the labour and following Mark’s breath at the end when I had to focus on my breathing helped to keep me relaxed and calm. It was so beautiful. I can’t thank you enough for giving us the tools to be fully prepared for what we experienced. Thank you and see you soon! Courtney x (VBAC)
“Prenatal yoga with Nadine was the highlight of my entire week! Nadine was always very thorough and precise when she showed and explained us the different poses. Furthermore, I felt very safe doing yoga with her as she was always very aware of each of us and suggested small changes to accommodate the poses to our individual needs.
I had a very calm and beautiful birth, and the relaxation techniques I learned with Nadine definitely helped me before and during birth. Prenatal yoga helped me stay comfortable during my pregnancy and I would recommend prenatal yoga with Nadine to everyone, who wants to go through pregnancy and birth in a positive, relaxing and comfortable way!“
Nille Elise Kepp, mother of Walter 2,5 years old and newborn Noah.
“After 20 years of yoga Nadine is one of the best teachers I have found. She invariably makes everyone feel welcome to her excellent classes, however young or old, new or experienced, strong or weak, flexible or stiff. She always has something to offer, combining her considerable knowledge and skill with an ability to encourage but not force. “ Roy
“Prenatal yoga with Nadine really helped with aches and pains I was experiencing in the last months of my pregnancy. I was able to take what I learnt and practice a little on my own. I was also able to use the breathing techniques to stay calm during the bulk of the contractions while in labour. Nadine’s lovely teaching manner also makes her all her classes a pleasure.”
Clea Sherman
“Your yoga classes have had such a positive impact on my life! As a result, I’m more confident and stronger than I’ve ever been. Your carefully-structured lessons leave us feeling energised, calm and more able to face the challenges of everyday life.” Helen
“I found practicing yoga in Nadine’s class helped me to relax and tune in to what my body needed throughout pregnancy’s physical challenges. It gave me some practical tools to make me feel more comfortable and helped me to trust my body when giving birth.” Carrie
“Thanks so much, Nadine, for all the tips and advice through your yoga classes. The breathing was of immense help and the other tool which got me through some of the labour was the anchor point techniques and visualising. “ Tori